Monday, August 10, 2009

Best fit?

I was writing my toefl exam and my essay topic was ‘Is technological advance a boon or bane’. That was some writing I did, I could not decide between boon or bane. As my thoughts swung between the two, I started writing them down and put them down as my essay.

The lush evergreen forests are getting depleted to satisfy man’s needs. Or to be precise is it man’s greed?. Well it better be need.

Man is an integral part of Nature, Nature and man are not two separate entities. So like the clay nest of a bee or the house of a bower bird, man’s cities and skyscrapers should also be considered as nature at work.
But no, what we create, looks so queer and ‘un natural’.
Nature spits out what it does not want.
Then Nature will wipe out what it thinks is unfit. If man’s technological progress is progressing towards doom, then nature wouldn’t have let us progress at all.
But man be greedy, then nature will sure throw him out, and continue with her life.
James Lovelock, says the whole world is one single organism , a living world.

Its survival of the best fit rather than survival of the fittest to be precise.

The organisms that do not fit into the ecosystem will only suffer and be wiped out by the rest. So are we a best fit?. Is it too damn late that we are thinking about it? I am not sure.All this technological progress and dirtying of the world has been of the past two centuries. So we are not very late actually.

Why has man thought about nature? Why has he started contemplating conservation?
How do the ants know it has to stock up the rations before the rains?
It is in man’s instincts to preserve for the future. After all we are driven by genetic forces that persevere to establish its progeny. So it will also take care to supply enough for its progeny.
The conservationists, environmentalists and maybe even the minimalists must be Nature's way of getting things in place.

Thats how I ended the essay, and thankfully the evaluator didnt think I was wrong, she rewarded me full!

It’s the thought that we are a part of nature. It’s the belief that we are a part of the ecosystem. It’s the realization of the entire whole. A holistic view, a paradigm shift , a change in values and perception of reality is what we need.
We cannot stop technological advance. To be curious is man. To invent, to classify, to dissect, to analyze and to awe is man. But it is not man to destroy and plunder. That is un natural, in-human, not even the animals do that!


Unknown said...

The conservationists, environmentalists and maybe even the minimalists must be Nature's way of getting things in place.
- wonderful insight.

Smooth Operator said...

Reminds me of George Carlin... Nice thoughts. No wonder u got full marks :)

Author said...

Thanks! But am no misanthrope, i love people atleast to some extent if not as much as Nature : )

Smooth Operator said...

George Carlin n misanthrope?! He was just a comedian, no? I really loved his shows and the book too!

Author said...

Yeah he was just a comedian and i had never heard of him before. I checked the wiki, and saw that he had said something very similar...but he wanted mankind to be avenged, to suffer and was happy to look at natural clalmities, which is not how i fell at all.