Monday, January 25, 2010

Self diagnose – are you infected with SLAV1?

Are you a fan of TV shows and movies? You love listening to music? You like coffee, a long drive? You like shopping in big malls? You like watching a great game? You dig some particular brand of ice-cream or pizza? You think a having a good time is hanging out at some bar/pub? You think it ‘uncool’ if someone doesn’t get rid of body hair or not condition their hair? You like some particular brand of shoes? Jeans? You are excited of a brand new model of car or mobile or ipod though you haven’t bought it yet? You like bungee jumping, canoeing, and working out?
If you have some or any of these symptoms then you definitely are bitten by the slavery bug, SLAV1.
            This is not a seasonal bug, but seems to be hereditary, if not, acquired and lives like an invisible parasite. Memetologists might call it spread if memes, but beware it only means you are a slave to those memes. You never knew something is wrong about the symptoms you had right? You never thought it was a disease right? That’s what ‘they’ do, make you believe that you are completely alright. This ‘they’ are not bad-guys, they are completely ignorant, nice people like you and me who have no intention of making you a slave, all they are trying to do is gain money and power. No, no, not intentional fooling of people, they have no idea what they are doing is wrong!. That’s the beauty of it.
            Still wondering why this is a disease? Then you should read on:

The ‘freedom’, that our ‘democratic’ politics and ‘capitalistic’ (read – free or open) economy has ordained on you and me is an illusion.
You have to watch what is shown in your channels, you have to watch only those movies that are being made. You have to read what’s spat out by the media. You have to buy what’s sold in your market, at the price they are sold at! (MRP – 'Maximum' Retail Price, Inclusive of All Taxes – what taxes and how much?) And why exactly you are being taxed for that produce? Is the tax going to offset carbon emissions? And where is that tax money going? How come you believe that a particular brand name means quality or loyalty or genuineness? Any idea what made you believe that? Even your outdoor entertainment is limited – government guards forests and rivers and mountains and seas, you cant just step in anywhere.
If you want to spend an evening out, you have to go out braving, traffic, pollution and eat food cooked by a stranger at some place run by a stange-face. You spend so much money and time on clothes and cosmetics so that you look good for the society that might otherwise scorn at you. Oh yes, the trend keeps changing, even men should have fair skin, women have to condition their hair, you cant even have wrinkles and grays when you grow old, to look 40 when you are 40 is unthinkable!.
Didn’t you know, you have to keep your hands and home clean of germs! Germless-ness is so necessary (since they say so) and if you didn’t know microbiology, you would definitely believe you can keep your homes and body 99% germ free just by using some soap or cleaner. Poisoning by chemicals in shampoos, paste and dishwashers? No one talks about it! its slow death to us and nature, so why care?  There is always science and technology to save the world and keep us living (technology is great you live in the dawn of a new era of incredible science – they say so). Ofcourse I forgot to mention, Nature and Science are two unrelated entities (you don’t drink bournvita? then you cant know this)
 ‘They’ hang the carrot (modernity and luxuries) in front of you so that you always feel outdated, or middleclass or poor or ugly or unfashionable or unqualified. Oh! yes, I forgot education. MBAs. Oh my!, ‘B schools’, where you go in and study the art of ‘business administration’. Any idea what you learn to ‘administer’ and to whom? Like psychology, an outdated science, that’s still sells, this illusory art of ‘administration’ where you are ‘administered’ the art of ‘administering’ to people things they don’t want and make them do things they never thought they should, also sells, I should rather say sells ‘hot’.
            For the simple reason; no actually I must say quirk of fate, that I was born someplace makes me a ‘citizen’ of some country, I have to be proud of this fact, be patriotic towards this country thing and be ready to go and kill other people risking getting myself killed to ‘protect’ my fellow country men (people by their quirk of fate born same place). Doesn’t end there, I cant simply step out of the boundaries of my country (who made them I don’t know, they never asked me) without answering a lot of questions and being ‘permitted’ to.
            You still wondering why all this is a problem? You still think that’s the only way a world filled with 7 billlion people can be? You still think you really are ‘free’?
Sorry! then I have no treatment for you. Thanks for diagnosing with us. Hope you come back!

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